
Take photos with your webcam and upload them

Download Sequenz (0.7 MB — 23.09.12)
Requires Mac OS X between 10.6 and 10.10, built-in/external iSight or any UVC compatible camera.

Sequenz is Freeware, so if you like it, please Donate.

Sequenz is no longer maintained. OS X versions > 10.10 are not supported!


» Choose free time interval between 5 seconds and 1 hour
» Automatic upload of images to your FTP server and/or storage to local disk
» Supports secure connections over FTP/SSL or FTP/TLS
» Easy to use


Feedback? Send me an email

Version history

Version 1.2 (Download Sequenz 23.09.12) Saves FTP settings in OS X Keychain, Autostart option, sequential images are saved with timestamp filename instead of sequence number.
Version 1.1 (Download Sequenz 31.12.09) Save sequential images, Possibility to save images to disk, New Preferences.
Version 1.0.3 (14.12.09) Updated Sequenz Help, Possibility to choose between connected cameras, German localisation
Version 1.0.2 (08.12.09) Added Sequenz Help, Code refinement, bug fixes
Version 1.0.1 (04.12.09) Display message if camera is used by another application, Minor bug fixes
Version 1.0 (03.12.09) Initial release

MD5 and SHA1 signatures

For Sequenz
MD5: 1b1107e0de155a7cac96914a00488887
SHA-1: eaa3de169aba448f1d479077ee058b453eaa9180

For Sequenz
MD5: F23D38C3CBC5D53C399E545D7E587F10
SHA-1: 10E2D1D38B467FD4783863AF2ED0C0DB83A6A4C4
Proudly presented by HashHash

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY
iSight is a registered trademark of Apple Computer Inc.
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